Friday, December 2, 2011

How Cigarette Use Affects My Quote

If you are a smoker, award lower activity allowance premiums can be actual difficult. Smokers about pay college ante than non-smokers to annual for the added accident of cancer, affection disease, and cardiovascular disease.

However, award affordable activity allowance for smokers is possible!!

While some activity allowance companies accept actual aggressive non-smoker policies, there are a few that specialize in aggressive behavior for smokers. An casual smoker can sometimes access non-smoker ante based on added bloom considerations. Our activity allowance specialists will assignment with you to acquisition the activity allowance aggregation with the best aggressive ante to fit your situation.

How Do I Acknowledgment the "Tobacco Use" Questions?

Tobacco use can usually be accurately bent through an allowance exam, which includes a urine specimen. Although cigarette smokers about pay college ante than non-smokers, casual smokers can sometimes access "non-smoker" rates. Added tobacco or nicotine users are additionally sometimes looked at added agreeably than abundant or abstinent cigarette smokers.

Life allowance companies accede pipe, cigar, chewing tobacco, dip, snuff, nicotine patches and nicotine gum as "other tobacco". Please acknowledgment the tobacco use questions as accurately as possible. Our activity allowance specialists will assignment with you to acquisition the appellation activity allowance aggregation with the best aggressive ante for your situation.